
Sound Art is not Experimental Music, Performance Art, Film or Video, Spoken Word, or Assemblage Art although it may incorporate these art forms as elements. There are three variations of Sound Art:

Environmental (a form of Installation Art)

Where the sounds are the created element and are related to the space, but the space and visual elements already existed. An example would be sound elements added to a street or room such as Max Neuhaus tuning the ventilation ducts in Times Square.

Science Projects (Fun with Physics)

Visual 3D pieces that use sound components such as loudspeakers or tape recorders as part of the visual element AND produce sound. An example would be my Audiomobiles which use small working computer speakers as visual elements.

True hybrids (a Synergistic Meeting of the Minds)

3D or 2D pieces which may or may not be site specific but where the combination of created visual and sound elements are integral to the meaning of the piece and change the meaning of the elements used. These may be considered multimedia, where there is sound and visual combined which creates new impactful meaning for both elements. Examples would be my Think Tank or He He. The pieces are not site specific, the audio components are not visible and the unexpected sound element changes the perception of the visual component.